
Thank you for checking in. 
I am a Gold Coast-based freelance writer, yoga teacher and RPM (spinning) instructor. I live with my partner, Billy...

and my attack cat, also Billy, who came along first.
Attack cat in waiting

Our single most valuable asset is health: healthy body, healthy mind. 
You don't have to look fabulous, be flexible or know Sanskrit to get real value from any kind of yoga practice, starting with simply noticing your breathing.
Mindful breathing induces a sense of calm in this hectic world. We practise taking a deep breath before reacting, and stepping into our breath can save us from causing damage in many ways. 
Muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia will not stretch quickly. Stretching requires time, so it cultivates patience, and patience is a real virtue. We practise waiting before reacting. Patience can also save us from causing damage in many ways.
It's worth cultivating mindful breathing and patience, and prioritising these can change your life.
Cat pose
I hope you enjoy the posts and the poses. More videos are available at my channel.

Annie Smit
May 2017. 

PS My previous job: From 2008 to 2017, Ascension Editing (www.ascensionediting.com) was my bread and butter. Now I've moved away from the computer screen to look at life a little differently.


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