Healthy hip flexors for cyclists

Healthy hip flexors for cyclists by Annie Smit Three years ago, on walking to the beach, my left hip gave way; I could not walk without support. Four to five RPM (indoor cycling) classes weekly, along with a desk job, had caused my left hip flexors to tighten excessively. Interestingly, the hip pain was all but imperceptible whilst cycling, but it certainly stopped me in my tracks when walking. Now the problem has returned, and I’m back to Step 1: Rest. Many intricate muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia work together to support the hips. The hip flexors comprise: · Iliacus and Psoas (Iliopsoas) – the strongest hip flexor · Anterior thigh muscles (Rectus Femoris & Sartorius) · Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) – which inserts into the Iliotibial Band · ...